Decorating Your RV For Christmas

448px-HK_Central_IFC_Mall_Christmas_ornaments_decor_balls_Dec-2012Each year thousands of families decide to take their RV on a family vacation during the holidays. For some it means a road trip to visit family in another state and for others it’s a smaller get together at their favorite RV park with just immediate family. Regardless of where you take your RV and who is with you, you can add to the holiday cheer on the road by decorating your RV. From Christmas lights around your windows to reindeer on the roof the options for decor are endless and bound to bring cheer to those passing by and your own family.

The first step to decorating your RV for Christmas is get out the lights. Make sure you choose lights that are safe for indoor and outdoor use. There’s an old rule that you do not want too many lights when decorating your home, however, when decorating your RV that rule goes out the window. The more gaudy and fun you can make your RV the better! So, choose colored and white lights and go crazy.

One of the most beloved Christmas decorations is the wreath. With the amount of doors on your RV you can put a wreath on each one or choose to go simple and place a wreath on the back of your RV and the front of it (or your truck’s front grill if you have a towable). Exterior decor might seem silly if you’re going to be driving to your destination, but it’s a great way to share your enthusiasm for the holiday wherever you are. If, however, you plan to park at an RV park for the holiday, you have an even bigger opportunity to spread Christmas cheer.

When parked you can bring out your Christmas decorations in full force. By propping plastic reindeer around your RV, a Santa on the roof, and even an inflatable snow globe you can share your excitement for the season with those around you. As silly as it sounds extreme decorations get people talking and might even inspire them to put up some decor that is “outside of the box.”

As a final touch to decorating your RV be sure to add your special touch to the inside. Hang stockings where people can see them (secure using easy hang hooks), add icicle style lights from the ceiling and cutout snowflakes to decorate windows. Gorgeous garland can be used as a border around crown molding and pictures from past Christmases can be put out as a reminder of what this season is about: family.

When decorating your RV for Christmas get creative. Don’t lock yourself into what tradition says. You never know how your creativity and enthusiasm for this time of year could encourage someone who is feeling down. And, the great thing is, because you’ll likely be driving throughout several states the opportunities to share the love have no boundaries. So, don’t be a Grinch this season. Pull out the lights and get decorating and watch how it gets you in the holiday spirit!


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